The Arrow of Time
Though we sometimes pride ourselves on our high degree of science,
culture and our unique individuality within it, there is a legacy from which
we cannot yet escape. With good reason we rarely doubt what we are able to observe
and confirm against those preconceived ideas that populate our paradigm of
reality. For we surely would not have survived the rigors of wild nature
without such dependability built into our landscapes. Despite our advances in
science and technology, the manner in which we observe the world forms our
experiences. However we do this in much the same fashion that our Stone Age
ancestors did. This legacy inherited from our primordial past is not in truth
very much removed from those of our mammal cousins. For me however
a question remains. Was this inherent hard wired dependability a natural
product of our environments, or was it rather a manifestation of our uniquely
human senses? Will these senses eventually
evolve to a point through which the new theories will be readily observable to us?
Until such a time we must be satisfied with the knowledge that advances in
fields of general and quantum physics that tell us now that all is not exactly
as it seems.
The concept of
space-time is by no means a new Idea. Although it has been accepted for over a
century by most experts it however remains contrary to common sense. It in
essence states that what the universe of our experience is a four dimensional
object through which an observable particle’s course through it can in theory
be plotted at any point in its existence. The past then, once thought to be
only a construct of memory could one day in theory be charted as navigable
points along the arrow of time. However current ideas on expansion in which it
is postulated that at one time the universe expanded at a rate far faster than
the speed of light.
Quantum entanglement or what Einstein called Spooky action
at a distance describes in essence that a pair of particles separated by great
distances can affect each other’s characteristic states instantaneously as if
they are entangled. This includes particles separated by distance greater than
that which light can travel in that same time. This exchange of information
between the pair apparently is contrary to general relativity which sets the
cosmic speed limit at the speed of light.
Schrodinger postulated in his famous cat
in a box thought experiment that an outcome cannot be known until it is
observed and until that moment it can exist in all of its potential states at
once. This thought experiment was examined in the equally famous Double
slit experiments. Where in evidence was discovered that when unobserved
particles behaved as both particles and waves, fixing their states only upon measurement.
The same is true of the cat he is both
alive and dead until we observe the cat.
Furthermore what we consider to be matter is no more than fields
of force conferring their constituent characteristics such as mass onto otherwise nondescript particles or waves. All of these things due to the limitations of
our innate senses seem immediately to be counter intuitive or out and out false.
All through advanced techniques however are observable, quantifiable and
considered by most to be scientifically correct. The question then remains. Will
the human race evolve to possess a deeper understanding of the universe and own
place in it or shall we go the way of the Dodo?
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